The American Marketing Association’s Retail & Pricing Special Interest Group (RAPSIG) will be hosting a mini research workshop for doctoral students and junior faculty at the 2025 AMA Winter Academic Conference on Saturday, February 15th at 5:00 PM.
The RAPSIG’s mini research workshop is designed to develop both understanding and skills to facilitate publication of research on important real-world retailing/pricing questions and problems. During this workshop, senior leadership within RAPSIG and senior faculty members with retailing research interests will provide individual feedback to doctoral students and junior faculty members (less than three years from Ph.D. completion) on how to develop retailing and/or pricing research with practical importance. This year’s mentors include Jenny van Doorn (University of Groningen), Dinesh Gauri (University of Buffalo), Katrijn Gielens (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), Dhruv Grewal (Babson College), and Aidin Namin (Loyola Marymount University).
Doctoral students and junior faculty are invited to send a brief abstract of their current (or planned) research to receive individualized feedback. They will be asked to submit a 250-word max abstract that includes the following:
- Problem – identify the problem addressed and why it is important for Retailing/Pricing
- Approach – outline your approach (e.g., framework, research design, data)
- Results – highlight your key results or anticipated results
- Implications for Practice – specify how your results can help practitioners make decisions
These abstracts will be shared with the faculty members who serve as mentors for this workshop so they can prepare feedback ahead of the event. Abstracts and questions can be submitted to Deepika Naidu (dnaidu@unr.edu) and Yufei Zhang (zhangyf@uab.edu) on or before January 15, 2025. Abstracts will be reviewed and decisions will be made on a rolling basis until this date or until the session is full. Please note that the Early-Bird deadline for the Conference ends January 15, 2025, so earlier submissions are strongly encouraged.