If you missed a webinar, or want to rewatch one – check out the YouTube links below.
Networking in Academia
Dr. Ryan Hamilton, Associate Professor of Marketing at Emory Goizueta Business School helped PhD students understand the importance of networking in academia. · Networking in academia. Why is it important? · Networking as a Ph.D. student. When and how? · Collaborating with other academics · Collaborating with industry · How to approach collaborations. What you should not do! https://youtu.be/UZ4s4z13V4w
Secured your first Academic Job! Whats Next!
Dr. Prokriti Mukherji, Lecturer in Marketing at Kings Business School share her insights on what’s next for you within the Academic job you have just secured. This webinar is directed toward helping doctoral students understand the journey and set expectations after securing a full-time academic position. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bZRdEtQwm7o
Balancing Act of the Academic Career with Dr. Nita Umashankar
Dr. Nita Umashankar, Associate Professor of Marketing at Fowler College of Business, San Diego State University, presented on preparing for a career in academia after securing an academic job. Watch the webinar on our YouTube channel through the link below to learn more about the skills required and the decisions that need to be made to grow and thrive in their academic career after securing an academic position. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9Ph3BF-668
Job Market with Dr. Shankha Basu
Dr. Shankha Basu, Lecturer in Marketing at Leeds University Business School, shares his insights, tips and tricks for doctoral students who are unfamiliar with the American or British Academic Job markets. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r-GmGGsqjDI
Brand Yourself with Dr. Aulona Ulqinaku
Dr. Aulona Ulqinaku, Assistant Professor of Marketing at Leeds University Business School shares her perspective on how to brand yourself and position your job market papers and studies when applying for jobs within the USA and UK academic markets. The virtual synchronous session was conducted at 2pm CST (8pm UK time) on 10th February 2021. Specifically, the webinar session was designed to coach you through the best ways to present yourself and highlight your work. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ie7weTn2WYA