The Doctoral Student SIG (DocSIG) is a special interest group of the American Marketing Association designed for marketing doctoral students of all research methodologies: behavioral, quantitative, and qualitative. DocSIG was founded by marketing doctoral students and continues to respond to the needs of marketing doctoral students, especially at the annual Summer and Winter Academic conferences of AMA. Every conference, we host a Friday night networking dinner, a Saturday mentor breakfast, and at least one in-person session with topics tailored to the needs of doctoral students interested in tenure-track positions.
In 24-25, our organization is led by Julia van de Sandt (Chair, University of South Carolina) and Ishita Nagpal (Chair-Elect, Georgia State University). Reach out to us at
Our motto is “Building, Bonding, Blooming.” As such, DocSIG offers opportunities for students to develop professional skills in the areas of research, writing, teaching, presenting, reviewing, and other areas that aid in job placement and career college paper format development. In addition, we seek to provide a community for students of marketing to interact, ask questions, and generally support each other. In this way, DocSIG not only aims to offer useful information that can aid students in their study program, but strives to facilitate professional relationships that will last long after one’s years as a doctoral student.
We recognize outstanding research and unique contributions to the AMA community through our awards. Our goal is to be THE information hub for doctoral students, guiding them through their programs and the job market, and becoming an essential resource for prospective PhD students during their application process.
For the latest from DocSIG, check out their website and follow up on Facebook, LinkedIn or YouTube.
Click here to take a look at our current leadership.
For a PDF of the DocSIG’s Charters and ByLaws, please Click Here.