The AMA and Sheth Foundation are excited to announce the inaugural AMA-Sheth Foundation Early Career Consortium. Co-chaired by Professors Anders Gustafsson and Markus Giesler, this unique event will foster growth and collaboration among pre-tenure scholars who aspire to publish in leading marketing journals. The Consortium offers the opportunity to learn from experienced researchers and engage in hands-on, collaborative sessions designed to refine your research for top-tier journal submissions.
The consortium will occur on February 13-14, 2025, in Phoenix, AZ, before and in conjunction with the 2025 AMA Winter Academic Conference.
This workshop offers a rare opportunity to learn directly from top scholars, gain invaluable feedback on your research, and enhance your chances of publishing in high-impact journals.
This event is by invitation only, pending acceptance of your research, and is free of charge with registration to the 2025 AMA Winter Academic Conference.
More details and information about submitting your work to apply here:
American Marketing Association #AMAShethEarlyCareer2025