We often receive questions about where to find scholarship, grant, and award opportunities for doctoral students. While DocSIG disseminates information that other organizations explicitly ask us to share, and we also repost what we come across on LinkedIn, it’s important to note that we don’t have the resources to maintain a full scholarship registry. As fellow doctoral students, our service to the community is entirely unpaid volunteering. However, there is a fantastic resource you should definitely take advantage of: **ELMAR**, supported by the American Marketing Association. If you haven’t already, we strongly recommend subscribing to this service.
**What is ELMAR?**
ELMAR is a digital digest that provides news and updates within the broad marketing academic community. Most subscribers recognize ELMAR as the curated daily email that brings together relevant announcements, opportunities, and calls for papers. It’s free for both AMA members and non-members, supported by the American Marketing Association and run by a volunteer editor/curator.
**What kind of content does ELMAR share?
** ELMAR follows a consistent posting schedule: –
**Monday**: Revisits, awards, events, dialogues, journal news, obituaries
**Tuesday**: Tables of contents from journals
**Wednesday**: Job notices
**Thursday**: Awards, events, dialogues, journal news, obituaries
**Friday**: Calls for conferences, journals, and other outlets
You can search the full ELMAR archive at any time by visiting https://www.ama.org/listings/
**Why ELMAR is Essential**
In many North American PhD programs, subscribing to ELMAR is one of the first recommendations your PhD coordinator will make. It’s a reliable source of information that can help you stay informed about the latest opportunities in the field. And yes, while it may be tempting to delete yet another email in your crowded inbox, we at DocSIG encourage you to see those ELMAR emails as pure gold—because finding funding is always a hunt for gold, not something served on a silver tray.
**Pro-Tip** If you prefer to keep a tidy inbox and focus on emails from your co-authors, consider setting up rules for managing emails like ELMAR. You can create a separate folder and automatically redirect all ELMAR emails there. This way, you can review them in bulk when convenient, while keeping your main inbox focused on your research. We hope you find this guide helpful, and encourage you to keep exploring all the funding opportunities available out there!
Link to ELMAR: https://www.ama.org/about-elmar/