Secured your first Academic Job! Whats Next! Webinar by Dr. Prokriti Mukherji

AMA DocSIG invites you to a webinar by Dr. Prokriti Mukherji, Lecturer in Marketing at Kings Business School. This webinar is directed toward helping doctoral students understand the journey and set expectations after securing a full-time academic position.

Dr, Mukherji’s webinar will be conducted at 2.00 pm -3.30pm CST on Friday, 8 October 2021, for tentatively 90 minutes. Dr. Mukherji will share her insights on what’s next for you within the Academic job you have just secured.

She will provide her perspectives on the following topics:

  • What to expect in the first 6 months of your job in academia?
  • How to navigate the change from being Doctoral Student to being a full-time academic?
  • Journey to Tenure.
  • Difference in Expectations within US and UK Academic Market.

Please sign up for the session and leave any question you would like Dr Mukherji to answer, using the survey link provided and save the zoom link given:

Please save the zoom link to attend the webinar.

Meeting ID: 936 8682 0475 Passcode: 283330

We urge you to attend this webinar live as it will not be available as a resource after the webinar is conducted. Please note, this webinar is exclusive to AMA DocSIG members who sign up with AMA Doctoral SIG. Students who are not AMA DocSIG members need to have an AMA Registration, and then sign up for AMA DocSIG.

Remember, receiving updates from AMA DocSIG is FREE and only requires you to share a few simple details and your email ID*.

* If you would like to receive emails and communication from AMA DocSIG, please fill out the form by clicking the link below (only 5 questions). Even if you already receive emails from AMA DocSIG, please fill out the form, as we are updating our contact list this year.

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about AMA DocSIG, please do not hesitate to email Louis Zmich (Chair, AMA DocSIG) at