**2025 WinterAMA – DocSIG AMA Membership Grant**

The AMA Doctoral Student Special Interest Group (DocSIG), with generous support from the American Marketing Association, is excited to announce exclusive membership grants for its community!

**Grant Details:**

DocSIG will award up to five (5) grants, each providing a complimentary one-year AMA membership (worth $199). For example, this membership reduces the doctoral student early bird registration fee for the 2025 Winter AMA Conference in Phoenix, AZ, by 20% (Non-Member: $489 vs. AMA Member: $389).

**Application Deadline:**

Friday, December 20, 2024


Applicants must: – Be a current doctoral student in an AACSB-accredited Ph.D. program in marketing or business administration-marketing, – Not currently hold a AMA membership, and – Provide proof of acceptance for a competitive paper presentation at the 2025 Winter AMA Conference, and – Provide support of doctoral advisor for attendance of the 2025 Winter AMA Conference in Phoenix, AZ .

**Application Requirements:**

1. Current CV, including a list of publications and conference presentations. 2. Proof of competitive paper acceptance. 3. Letter of attendance support from doctoral advisor.

**Selection Process:**

All applications will be evaluated by Dr. Mathew Joseph and the DocSIG Leadership Board.

**How to Apply:**

Submit your application: https://forms.gle/K4hpqSATUSCKbxpZ9 For inquiries, contact: – Julia van de Sandt (Chair, AMA DocSIG) at Julia.vandesandt@grad.moore.sc.edu – CC Ishita Nagpal (Chair-Elect, AMA DocSIG) at inagpal1@gsu.edu


Grant recipients will be notified by December 31, 2024, allowing time to register before the early bird deadline on January 15, 2025.

We look forward to your applications!