Mentor’s Award Announcement

Please join DocSIG in congratulating Anat Keinan (Boston University) as the 2025 AMA DocSIG “Mathew Joseph” Mentor Award recipient! This award recognizes one scholar whose enduring contributions to the mentorship of doctoral students have profoundly shaped marketing scholarship.
Anat Keinan’s research interests include Branding, Symbolic Consumption, Consumer Well-Being, Luxury Marketing, Consumer Self-Control, Authenticity, the Consumption of Experiences, Fairness and Ethics in Marketing, and Ethical Consumption. She received her Ph.D. in Marketing, with distinction, from Columbia Business School. Professor Keinan received the Ferber Award for her research on collectable experiences, and the AMA Erin Anderson Award for Emerging Female Marketing Scholar and Mentor. Her research was selected for the New York Time Year in Ideas issue and seven of her papers were recognized as the Journal of Consumer Research best paper award finalists. Her research was selected for several JCR Research Curations including “Products as Signals,” “Meaningful Choice,” and “Behavioral Pricing.”
The award will be presented to Anat Keinan at the DocSIG Mentor’s Breakfast at the 2025 Winter Academic Conference in Phoenix, AZ on Saturday, February 15, 7 am.
A special thank you to the committee faculty (Alex Zablah, Jianan Wu, Ahreum Maeng, and Carol Jones) and student (Xiaoying Feng, Anuja Bhattacharjya, and Sameed Khan) members.
This tag only for LinkedIN: American Marketing Association AMA TechSIG Bennie F. Johnson Matt Weingarden Marilyn Stone Riley Fickett
For More Details about WinterAMA:
Please download the Event App “Whova” to stay up to date on all conference information! Search “2025 AMA Winter Conference” and log in using your email address to find the program, maps, and more.
The Doctoral Student SIG (DocSIG) is the special interest group of the American Marketing Association designed for marketing doctoral students of all research methodologies: behavioral, quantitative, and qualitative. DocSIG was founded by marketing doctoral students and continues to respond to the needs of marketing doctoral students, especially at the annual Summer and Winter Academic conferences of AMA. In 24-25, the world’s largest marketing doctoral students group is led by Julia van de Sandt (Chair, USC) and Ishita Nagpal (Chair-Elect, GSU).
DocSIG thanks Mathew Joseph in his continued efforts as the group’s faculty mentor in sponsoring this award.
2024 Mathew Joseph Emerging Scholar Award Application
AMA DocSIG invites all doctoral students who are active AMA DocSIG members to apply for the 2023 Mathew Joseph Emerging Scholar Award.
Deadline for applicants: Monday, April 1, 2024 at 11:59 PM EST
The American Marketing Association’s Doctoral Student Special Interest Group (DocSIG) welcomes applications for the Matthew Joseph Emerging Scholar Award. This award honors a doctoral student scholar who displays exemplary scholarship and a bright future in the marketing discipline. Nominees (self-nominees welcomed) must meet the following criteria:
- Be a doctoral student or candidate in marketing in good standing at an AACSB university.
- Demonstrated research productivity (e.g., presented a conference paper, published a peer-reviewed paper).
- Be an active member of the American Marketing Association (AMA) and an official member of DocSIG at the time of application.
Applications must be in one single .pdf document including:
- Cover letter as to why the nominee would be an ideal recipient of the emerging scholar award, including a statement regarding his/her personal research stream.
- Current curriculum vitae (including a record of publications).
- (Self-nominees only): One signed recommendation letter from your dissertation chair or a tenured faculty to attest to the nominee’s research impact and contribution to scholarship.
All applications will be evaluated by a panel of three (3) marketing scholar judges and must be received by the due date and time listed above. To apply, please email one .pdf document to BOTH AMA DocSIG Chair, Brittany Beck ( and AMA DocSIG Chair-elect, Julia van de Sandt (
Please contact Brittany Beck (, AMA DocSIG Chair, with any questions.
The winner will receive a plaque and an award of $250. The winner will be notified by mid-June and should be present at the Summer AMA conference to receive the award.
Mathew Joseph Emerging Scholar Award Winner 2023
Dr. Mathew Joseph honors one doctoral student each year who displays exemplary scholarship and a bright future in the academic discipline. This year, three faculty judges were tasked with choosing one doctoral student from a large pool of extremely talented candidates.

Mathew Joseph Emerging Scholar Award Winner 2022
AMA DocSIG is pleased to announce that Lan Anh Nu Ton from University of Georgia has been awarded the 2022 Mathew Joseph Emerging Scholar Award! Lahn Anh will receive a plaque, $250, and free registration to the 2022 AMA Summer Educators’ Conference.
Mathew Joseph Emerging Scholar Award Winner 2020
AMA DocSIG is pleased to announce that Gizem Yalcin, from Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, has been awarded the 2021 Mathew Joseph Emerging Scholar Award! Gizem will receive a plaque, $250, and free registration to the 2021 AMA Summer Educators’ Conference.
Mathew Joseph Emerging Scholar Award Winner 2020

AMA DocSIG is pleased to announce that Riley Krotz, from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, has been awarded the 2020 Mathew Joseph Emerging Scholar Award! Riley will receive a plaque, $250, and free registration to the 2020 AMA Summer Educators’ Conference.
Mathew Joseph Emerging Scholar Award Winner 2019

AMA DocSIG is pleased to announce that Unnati Narang, from the Texas A&M University, has been awarded the 2019 Mathew Joseph Emerging Scholar Award!
Mathew Joseph Emerging Scholar Finalist 2019

Dr. Mathew Joseph honors a doctoral student who has displayed exemplary holistic scholarship and exhibits a bright future in the academic discipline. It is a large honor for the selected doctoral student. The faculty judges look for a top emerging PhD student who holistically has the influence and abilities to become a great scholar in marketing. This year, however, due to the number of amazing applicants, we are also awarding one finalist. Jillian Hmurovic, from the University of Pittsburg, has been awarded as the finalist for the Mathew Joseph Emerging Scholar Aw